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2017时尚盘点之奇幻妆容 新年派对你敢这样打扮吗?

日期:2017/12/20  阅读数:589







Blue eyes have historically been a significant measure of attractiveness, and although they’re commonly found among actors and models, only 17% of the global population has them. For the majority of people, approximately 80% of the population, blue eyes have been attainable only with the aid of colored contact lenses or artificial iris implants. But that will soon change with the introduction of a new medical procedure, pioneered by California company Stroma Medical, that can turn brown eyes blue. 蓝色眼睛一直被认为是美貌的一个重要衡量标准。尽管很多演员和模特都有蓝眼睛,但是从全球范围来看,只有17%的人口拥有蓝眼睛。对大多数人(80%)而言,蓝色眼睛只能靠佩戴有色隐形眼镜或植入人工虹膜来实现。不过,这一切很快就要改变了,美国加州基质医学公司率先引进的一项新手术可以让棕色眼睛变成蓝色。


The laser procedure works by eliminating the melanin from the surface of the iris, which then allows light to enter and scatter in the stroma. The effect is similar to Rayleigh scattering, in which wavelengths of sunlight hit much smaller molecules in the air and then scatter, which makes the atmosphere appear blue. 这项激光手术通过消除虹膜表面的黑色素,让光线得以进入虹膜,分散在基质层上,从而让眼睛呈现出蓝色。这一过程和瑞利散射的原理类似,当阳光的波长触及空气中的分子散射开来,天空就会呈现蓝色。


The laser treatment disrupts the fragile layer of pigment on the iris, which causes the body to start removing the tissue naturally. While the procedure itself only takes around 20 seconds, the blue eyes do not emerge for several weeks, as the body can only gradually release the pigment. 激光手术会破坏虹膜表面这层脆弱的色素,促使人体自然地移除相关组织。尽管手术本身只需20秒钟,但是要过上数周,眼睛才能变成蓝色,因为人体只能逐渐地释放色素。


The medical industry, ophthalmologists in particular, has not been particularly receptive to the procedure. The skepticism is based on the fact that eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, and that the procedure is irreversible. 医学界尤其是眼科界对这种手术的接受度不是特别高。他们质疑的依据是,眼睛是人体最敏感的器官之一,而这种手术是不可逆的。


中日韩女性流行“美鼻神器” 专家警告:有生命危险





Women in East Asia are putting tiny pegs into their nostrils so their nose could look more European. 为了让自己的鼻子像欧美人那样高挺,东亚国家的女性们居然把小鼻撑塞进了鼻孔。


The beauty trend apparently started from South Korea about two years ago and has spread to Japan, Chinese mainland and Taiwan, where women with a pointier European nose are considered more attractive. 这股美容风潮应该是两年前开始在韩国流行起来的,现在已刮到了日本、中国大陆和台湾,因为这些国家和地区的女性都认为挺拔的欧美鼻子更有魅力。


The beauty trend, however, has sparked serious health concerns. In a recent case from China, a woman reportedly swallowed a peg by accident and the small item was later found in her stomach. 但是,这股潮流也引发了严重的健康隐患。据报道,近日中国一位女性不小心吞下了一个美鼻器,后来这个美鼻器在她的胃里找到了。


The non-surgical nose-lifting trend apparently involves a set of tools which are popular on shopping websites in East and South-east Asia. 这种无需手术的鼻子增高产品在东亚和东南亚国家的购物网站上都很受欢迎。


A typical set consists of two small curved pegs, measuring two to three centimetres long, as well as one adjusting hook. 典型的美鼻套装包括两个弯弯的小鼻撑,大概两到三厘米长,还有一个勾状调整器。


According to the instructions online, users should first insert the two pegs into their nostrils respectively. The pegs are said to be made with silicone. 根据网上的使用说明,用户应该先把两个鼻撑分别塞进两个鼻孔里。据说这些鼻撑是硅胶做的。


Then they should use the hook to adjust the pegs so they stand in a 45-degree angle inside the nose. 然后用户须用调整器来调整鼻撑的位置,让鼻撑在鼻子里成45度角放置。


Although the nasal pegs are popular among beauty-conscious females, they have also brought health issues to the customers. 尽管美鼻神器在爱美的女性当中很受欢迎,但是该产品也给顾客造成了健康困扰。


Last November, a 25-year-old woman in Taipei nearly lost her nose after a peg poked through her nasal membrane and caused a bacterial infection, according to Apple Daily. 据《苹果日报》报道,去年11月,台北一名25岁的女性因为一个鼻撑刺穿了她的鼻粘膜,导致细菌感染,差点就失去了她的鼻子。




为了让身体的每个部位都散发耀人的光彩,美妆爱好者们又发明了一种新的妆容:闪光舌头。据《独立报》报道,澳大利亚化妆师辛达•福克维奇(Jacinta Vukovic)在化闪光唇时不小心将一些亮片撒在了自己的舌头上,没想到却促成了一种流行潮流。不少Ins博主争相追逐这股令人费解的潮流,把花里胡哨的亮片铺洒在舌头上。



Australian make-up artist Jacinta Vukovic accidentally instigated the glitter tongue when some sparkles mistakenly ended up on her tongue during the creation of a dazzling lip look. 澳大利亚化妆师辛达•福克维奇在打造闪亮唇妆时不小心将一些亮片撒在了自己的舌头上,这个意外之举创造了闪光舌头。


"I thought I would embrace it and make it the main focus," she wrote on Instagram. 福克维奇在Instagram上写道:“我觉得我要抓住这个机会,让它成为焦点。”


Since then, the trend has gone viral with fellow make-up artists and glitter enthusiasts attempting to recreate the glitzy mouth look. 此后,这股潮流开始走红,一群美妆师、亮片发烧友试图模仿闪光嘴妆容。


While it all sounds like a bit of harmless fun, concerns are growing that the trend could be causing health problems. Although swallowing small amounts of glitter won't kill you, it can cause problems with digestion, trigger stomach aches and even blockages. 尽管在舌头上撒亮片听起来像是一种无害的乐趣,可人们越来越担心这种时尚可能会引发健康问题。虽然吞食少量亮片不会致命,但可能会引起消化问题,导致胃痛甚至胃部堵塞。


On a larger scale, glitter is also bad for the environment. It's made up of micro plastics which can leech chemicals and harbor dangerous bacteria that gets into our water and food supply.而从更广泛的层面来看,这种亮片对环境也有害。它由微型塑料制作而成,其所含的化学物质和携带的危险细菌能渗入水和食物中。







Leading ladies from Cara Delevingne to Kristen Stewart and Katy Perry are forgoing their tumbling tresses in favor of peroxide blonde pixie cuts, and experts say we should all be flocking to the salon to try it for ourselves. 卡拉•迪瓦伊、暮光女克里斯汀•斯图尔特、水果姐凯蒂•派瑞等前卫女星都因为爱上漂色精灵短发而放弃了一头长卷发。时尚专家们表示,大家都应该赶紧去美发店尝试一下这个造型。


And while the edgy look certainly isn't one for the fainthearted, celebrity stylist Jason Collier insists 'anyone' can pull it off - whatever their age. 虽然这个前卫的造型看上去并不适合胆小的人,但是明星造型师贾森•科利尔认为“所有人”都能够驾驭它,无论年龄多大。


Collier, who is personal stylist to Victoria Beckham, notes that you don't have to go full buzz cut - like Cara and Kristen - if you're not feeling daring enough. 科利尔是维多利亚•贝克汉姆的私人造型师,他指出,如果你觉得自己不够大胆,可以不用选择卡拉、暮光女的短寸。


Stars including Zoë Kravitz and Michelle Williams have instead opted for a sophisticated, icy blonde pixie crop. 佐伊•克拉维茨和米歇尔•威廉姆斯等明星选择的是一款精致的银色精灵短发造型。


But it's not just the length you need to worry about, warns Collier; drastically changing your hair color requires care and planning. 不过,科利尔提醒道,你不仅要关心头发的长度,彻底改变发色也需要护理和准备。


'Brunette to blonde can be a tricky transformation, it's best to discuss with your hairdresser to see what you can achieve and what would work best with your skin tone,' he says. 他说:“从黑发变成金发是很复杂的转变。最好是和发型师商量一下,看看你的头发可以达到什么效果,肤色最适合什么色调。”







These aren’t your mom’s temporary tattoos, and in the last six years, Tattly has grown from just 15 designs to include thousands (ranging from dainty to daring) on their website by artists from across the globe. 这个牌子的文身贴和老妈们的文身贴可不同。在过去6年里,Tattly网站上的产品已经从15款发展到上千款,雅致和大胆的款式都有,设计师都是来自世界各地的艺术家。


Tattly’s most recent design features an accompanying fragrance. 该公司最近推出了带有香气的文身贴设计。


The art for these latest tattoos was created by French artist Vincent Jeannerot. Vincent’s watercolor paintings feature beautiful floral images that are reminiscent of 19th-century botany illustrations, and even smell like real flowers. 这款最新产品由法国艺术家文森特设计。他绘制的花卉水彩文身美丽动人、栩栩如生,使人联想起19世纪的植物学插画,甚至还能散发出真花的香味。


There are several tats to choose from — including blue hydrangeas and pink and purple peonies, each with their own, unique scent. 可供选择的文身图案包括蓝色绣球、粉色和紫色的牡丹等,每款都有自己独特的香味。


Tattly is currently the only temporary tat on the market with a fragrance component. However, this is the second version of the scented tattoo between Tattly and Vincent. Their first ink collaboration featured the same beautiful water color images by the artist, but depicted herbs with an equally delicious scent. Tattly带有香氛成分的文身贴目前在市面上是独一无二的。不过,这已经是他们和文森特合作的第二款香味文身。双方合作的第一款文身图案也出自文森特动人的水彩画,不过是一些草本植物。这款文身贴也拥有好闻的香气。







The beauty product you never knew you needed, F.Lashes are the rave-ready answer to your average pair of falsies and are described as ‘fun, fresh and fierce.’ 你也许从未想过,自己会想要入手这样一款美妆产品。“F.睫毛”牌新款LED假睫毛将是你换掉平淡无奇普通假睫毛的不二之选。市面上对它的评价是“造型新颖有趣,时尚前卫。”


Unveiled at the Maker Faire in California, designer Tien Pham from Sweden demonstrated the lashes and their many modes. 这款产品在加利福尼亚制汇节上首次与公众见面。来自瑞典的产品设计师提恩-彭姆对该产品的多款样式进行了展示。


Aside from coming in an array of colour ways – think pink, red, blue, white, yellow and green – they also come in ‘sparkle’ mode which makes the lashes twinkle and ‘dance’ mode where they flash erratically. 除了有一系列的颜色——淡粉色、红色、蓝色、白色、黄色和绿色可供选择之外,这款产品还有“闪烁”模式,假睫毛会闪闪发光,此外,还有“舞蹈”模式,亮光时闪时灭。


Powered by a watch battery that attaches to the back of your head using hair clips, the lashes are completely reusable and can be applied to your natural set using eyelash glue. 这款假睫毛可以重复使用,用睫毛胶水就可以粘在睫毛上方。而LED灯的供电则通过在后脑勺用发夹固定的一块手表电池即可实现。


Despite the brightness, he also insists that they are completely safe to wear, sweat-proof and do not emit any heat. 虽然这款假睫毛闪闪发光,彭姆表示它们使用起来会很安全,不仅防汗,还不会发热。


彩妆最新潮流“羽毛眉”横空出世 这种时尚你懂吗?





Stella Sironen, a 19-year-old makeup artist and her friend, Leevi Ikäheimo, came up with the idea by accident one lazy Sunday while Ikäheimo was brushing out Sironen's eyebrows. 19岁的斯泰拉•西罗宁是一名化妆师。在一个慵懒的星期天,西罗宁的朋友莱维给她修眉时,突然想到了个主意。


“Suddenly he busted out laughing,” Sironen told the Huffington Post. 西罗宁告诉《赫芬顿邮报》:“他突然就笑喷了。”


Curious, Sironen took a gander at herself on her phone's camera and totally got it. 西罗宁很好奇,就用手机摄像头看了眼自己,就彻底明白了。


“He had made a middle part on my brows … and we just laughed about it for the rest of the night.”“他把我的眉毛中分了……我们笑了一个晚上。”


Sironen thought the look was so funny, that the next day she took a glue stick to her brows and decided to part them again. She paired the feathered follicles with some eye-catching blue mascara and posted a picture of the creation to Instagram. 西罗宁觉得这个眉毛看上去很好玩,所以第二天她将固体胶抹在眉毛上,决定再把它分开来。为了和羽毛状的眉毛搭配,她涂抹了抢眼的蓝色睫毛膏,然后在Instagram发了一张照片。


The post soon went viral, receiving over 45,000 likes and the hashtag #featherbrows was born. The bold brow also ended up being pretty polarizing, tearing the online beauty community into two firm camps: Team YAS I Shall Recreate This Look and Team Ick, No Those Are The Stuff Of Nightmares. 这条Ins迅速走红,收到了超过45000个赞,#羽毛眉(#featherbrows )这个标签应运而生。这一大胆的眉妆收获的评价也是两极分化,网络美妆爱好者分成了两派:一派决定尝试这个妆容,另一派觉得看了晚上绝对做噩梦。







For most people, Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night or Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa evoke famous paintings on display in museums or tucked away in private collections. For London-based makeup artist Stefania Atupe, they're the direct inspirations for some of her best looks on Instagram. According to Mashable, Stefania got the idea to recreate some of her favorite works on her eyelids after playing around with animal-print eye makeup. 在多数人的认识里,梵高的《星空》或葛饰北斋的《神奈川巨浪》是博物馆展出的名画或是私人收藏中的珍品。而对于伦敦的化妆师斯蒂芬娜•爱特普而言,它们就是她的Ins上那些最美妆容的灵感源泉。据互联网新闻博客Mashable报道,斯蒂芬娜在尝试了动物花纹眼妆后,她萌生出一个想法,想要在自己的眼皮上重现最爱的艺术作品。


"When I posted the peacock design onto twitter, a girl actually messaged me and said that it reminded her of a Van Gogh piece, and since I absolutely love Van Gogh I decided I would try out Starry Night," she told Mashable. "I then just sat down and spent a good hour and a half just recreating the look, slowly outlining it and developing the colours!" “当我在推特上发了孔雀图案的眼妆后,一个妹子居然给我发消息称,这让她想起了梵高的艺术作品。因为我非常喜欢梵高,所以我决定尝试画出《星空》。于是,我坐下来慢慢勾了轮廓,上色,足足花了一个半小时来重现这幅画。”


It's hardly five-minute makeup, but the results were definitely worth all that time and painstaking effort. Stefania used a combination of Nyx eyeliners and Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadows to create the jaw-dropping looks. So far, she's stuck to paintings by Van Gogh and Hokusai, but we already can't wait to see what she creates next. Check out her most recent examples below! 这不是几分钟就能搞定的妆容,但是从成果来看,花费的时间和心血绝对是值得的。斯蒂芬娜用Nyx的眼线搭配Anastasia Beverly Hills的眼影来打造的妆容令人瞠目结舌。到目前为止,斯蒂芬娜仅重现梵高和葛饰北斋的画作,但是我们迫切希望看到她接下来打造的妆容。一起来欣赏她最近的杰作吧!